IU Group publishes its ESG Report for 2023

Sustainability and social responsibility are among the core values of IU Group (IUG) and all its educational institutions. As a member of the UN Global Compact and its university initiative, Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU) is committed to the highest sustainability standards for the benefit of all stakeholders. IU's and IUG's approach to sustainability is defined by the key principles of these two initiatives and clearly demonstrates how education and responsibility are intertwined. 

IU Group is proud to present its ESG Report for 2023 which provides an overview of IUG's main sustainability-related news, projects and initiatives of the year.

A few highlights:

  • In November 2023, IU Group achieved the status of a certified B Corporation. This important milestone underlines IUG's commitment to environmental, social and responsible corporate governance. IU Group underwent a rigorous assessment which confirmed that it fulfils high standards in terms of social and environmental impact.
  • IU stands out among German universities in terms of gender diversity. With 38.9 per cent female professors, it ranks second in a recent analysis by the Verbraucherschutzverein Berlin/Brandenburg (VSVBB) on the proportion of women at German colleges and universities. Particularly noteworthy: at IU, more departments are headed by women than by men (55.56 per cent).
  • IUG's thought leadership in the field of sustainability was illustrated by initiatives such as the Symposium Sustainable Media & Brand Management - Sustainable Media Strategies for Value-Based Brand Management, held by IU International University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg in November 2023.
  • LIBF and the University of Fredericton (UFred) have become part of IU Group in 2023. All sustainability standards of IU Group will now apply to LIBF and UFred.
  • According to preliminary unaudited data, in 2023 IU Group has managed to decrease its carbon intensity per student despite continued rapid growth in operations.

"Sustainability, social responsibility and transparency are not just buzzwords for us, but a daily commitment. IU Group tries to set a good example in areas such as reporting, minimising CO2 emissions and promoting diversity. Together with society as a whole, we face the challenging task of creating a fair and sustainable economy. We want to show that the education sector can play an important role here," says Alex Čaičics, Head of Sustainability and ESG Communications at IU Group.

IU Group's ESG Report 2023 can be downloaded here.

IU International University of Applied Sciences
The London Institute of Banking and Finance
University of Fredericton
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