Sustainable Media and Brand Management: Insights from IU Symposium

On November 8th and 9th in Hamburg, scholars, media professionals, and brand experts gathered at the Symposium "Sustainable Media & Brand Management - Sustainable Media Strategies for Value-driven Brand Leadership," organised by IU International University of Applied Sciences, to discuss how brands, agencies, and media can operate sustainably. The event featured 17 presentations and panel discussions, providing an overview of how the media and marketing industry can meet both its own standards and potential future legal requirements.

The conversations emphasized that sustainable practices extend beyond efforts for carbon neutrality and resource conservation. For media professionals, responsible handling of media and communication is increasingly taking center stage. Online advertising campaigns, contributing to about 1% of global CO2 emissions, were scrutinized, with the industry acknowledging the need for sustainable approaches.

The symposium highlighted the industry's efforts to establish standards and commitments concerning climate neutrality and sustainability. Speakers stressed the importance of abandoning "childlike naivety" and educating clients on the interconnectedness of sustainability. Collaboration between agencies and companies was emphasized as crucial to giving momentum to sustainability and making communication more sustainable. 

Ina von Holly, Board Member of the GWA (Association of Communication Agencies), illustrated practical steps in collaboration with Florian Schaar from LichtBlick SE. The urgency for a new measure of trust in the digital world was underscored, reflecting the industry's acknowledgment of the need for change.

While the focus on climate-related sustainability is acknowledged, societal sustainability is gaining prominence. Keynote speaker Martin Andree cautioned about the increasing control of major digital platforms over our lives. Discussions highlighted the role of media and brands in contributing to societal change, beyond ecological aspects. 

Sönke Reimers, CEO of the dfv Mediengruppe, represented a counterforce to the dominance of digital giants. He emphasized the role of media in responsible communication and asserted that specialized media play a crucial role due to their credibility and exclusive access to industries.

The symposium also addressed the challenge of defining and measuring the quality of media in the 21st century. Prof. Dr. Lisa Wolter, Professor of Online Marketing at IU and leader of the Sustainable Media Management research project, explained the uniqueness of media products in society and the need for criteria that go beyond traditional ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) considerations.

Efforts are underway to establish common criteria for the media industry, emphasizing collaboration over competition. The goal is to make society capable of evaluating the value of media, content, and brands. Initiatives include calls for the consolidation of various individual measures in the market and the development of guidelines, such as ethical standards in marketing (Data Ethics). 

The event took place as part of research project SUMM - Sustainable Media Management led by Prof. Dr. Lisa Wolter and conducted in collaboration with the University of Florida's Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology led by Dr. Sylvia Chan-Olmsted.

IU International University of Applied Sciences
Sustainability research
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